S1 Environmental Law

Course Title: Environmental Law

Course Description: This course will provide students with an introduction to environmental law, including the rights and duties of various stakeholders, environmental planning, environmental impact assessment, the concept of strict liability and how environmental law is enforced.

Materi Perkuliahan Hukum Lingkungan dan Perubahan Iklim (S2)

Learning Outcomes:

Week 1: Introduction to Environmental Law

Week 2: Climate Change

Week 3: Environmental Planning

Week 4: Environmental Standards & Pollution Control

Week 5: Environmental Impact Assessment & Licensing

Week 6: Environmental Justice Movies

We will watch one of these movies in class

These movies provide powerful insights into the environmental injustices that take place worldwide. They shed light on issues such as pollution, climate change, animal cruelty, and exploitation of resources. Watching these movies can help us understand the negative impact of our actions on the environment and motivate us to take action to protect it.

Mid-semester test

Week 7: Strict Liability

Week 8: Law Enforcement

Week 9: Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

Week 10: Environmental Cases

Week 11:

Week 12

Final Exam