Bukan Open Book melainkan Open-AI -- Model Ujian Mahasiswa Pasca ChatGPT

Dengan adanya ChatGPT, apakah seluruh ujian harus open book dan diperbolehkan menggunakan AI?

Begini menurut ETH Zurich:

No, of course not! There always will be fundamental tasks that students need to be able to carry out without any outside assistance, neither human nor artificial. One cannot look up everything all the time, and certain conceptual understanding and knowledge is simply required for future courses and employment. Those need to be tested in a supervised, restricted environment.

Also important with regards to allowing or not allowing tools are the learning objectives, context matters: when learning the fundamentals of addition and multiplication in elementary school, even a pocket calculator is probably not a helpful tool; when learning about analyzing Big Data, all those tasks would naturally and without a second thought be delegated to a computer.

Jadi tidak semuanya harus Open Book atau Open AI, semua tergantung pada apa yang hendak diharapkan dari mahasiswa. Beberapa keahlian dasar tertentu seperti aritmatika dasar (penjumlahan, pembagian) tentunya harus dikuasai oleh anak didik di tingkat SD. Demikian juga bagi mahasiswa akan ada keahlian-keahlian dasar tertentu yang harus dikuasai tanpa bantuan eksternal. Namun demikian, ada pula keahlian-keahlian tertentu di masa depan yang memang menuntut mahasiswa untuk dapat bekerja dengan AI; maka dengan demikian ujiannya bisa dibuat "Open-AI":

Assessments where ChatGPT is expressly allowed: We can expect that many disciplines will rapidly integrate ChatGPT and similar technologies into their practices and workflows. This may create a demand for appropriately aligned examinations, where students also have access to ChatGPT, while other resources, such as e.g. messenger apps or chat forums, remain effectively blocked. Such examination scenarios are already routinely conducted with ETH’s infrastructure for On Campus Online Examinations - though not yet with ChatGPT, but instead with other web-​based resources.


  1. Menggunakan ChatGPT untuk membantu mengerjakan tugas kuliah atau skripsi
  2. Kebijakan AI dari Elsevier