Mohamad Mova AlAfghani -- Curriculum Vitae

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International legal advisor and scholar with expertise in the fields of water law, human rights, and environmental governance. Ph.D. holder in Water Law and Governance. Over 15 years of experience in policy development, regulatory reforms, research, and advocacy. Has a diverse array of publications in different areas of law and has contributed to policy making at the national, regional and international levels.

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Twitter: @movanet


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Formal Education

Research Consultancies and Positions


  1. Willetts J, Carrard N and AlAfghani, MM, "Strengthening Systems and Realising Human Rights: Strategies to Progress Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)", IWA Publishing, 2023. Link
  2. AlAfghani, MM, "Legal Frameworks for Transparency in Water Utilities Regulation", Routledge, 2016. Link

Peer Reviewed Journals and Edited Books

  1. AlAfghani, MM and Susetyo, B, 'Water Tenure Security for Palm Oil, Hydropower, and Geothermal', IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1199, 2nd ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment 13/09/2022 - 15/09/2022 Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  2. AlAfghani, MM, ‘Strengths and Limitations of The Indonesian Constitutional Court’s “6 Basic Principles” in Resolving Water Conflicts’, Consrev (2023) 9 (1) Link
  3. Willetts J, Carrard N and AlAfghani, MM, Editorial: Systems strengthening and human rights as entry points for WASH, H2Open Journal (2022) 5 (4): 686–690 Link
  4. Sarah Dickin and others, ‘Assessing Mutual Accountability to Strengthen National WASH Systems and Achieve the SDG Targets for Water and Sanitation’, 2022, H2Open Journal. Link
  5. AlAfghani, MM, Bisariyadi B, Konsep Regulasi Berbasis Risiko: Telaah Kritis dalam Penerapannya pada Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja. (Risk Based Regulation : Critique To Its Adoption in the Job Creation Law), Jurnal Konstitusi, Vol 18 Nomor 1, Maret, 2021. Link
  6. J Willetts, F Mills, M Al’Afghani. Sustaining community-scale sanitation services: Co-management by local government and low-income communities in Indonesia. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2020. Link
  7. Al’Afghani, MM. Alienating the Private Sector: Implications of the Invalidation of the Water Law by the Indonesian Constitutional Court, Journal of Water Law 26/3. Link
  8. Al’Afghani, M.M.; Kohlitz, J. and Willetts, J. 2019. Not built to last: Improving legal and institutional arrangements for community-based water and sanitation service delivery in Indonesia. Water Alternatives 12(1): 285-303. Link
  9. AlAfghani, MM, Paramita, D, Regulatory Challenges in the Phasing-Out of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Indonesia, International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review 1 (1), 12-27. Link
  10. AlAfghani, MM. Anti-Privatisation Debates, Opaque Rules and ‘Privatised’ Water Services Provision: Some Lessons from Indonesia’ in Alan Nicol, Lyla Mehta and Allouche J (eds), IDS Bulettin: ‘Some for All?’ Politics and Pathways in Water and Sanitation, vol 43.2 (Institute of Development Studies and Wiley-Blackwell 2012). Link
  11. AlAfghani, MM. The transparency agenda in water utilities regulation and the role of freedom of information: England and Jakarta case studies, The Journal of Water Law, Special Issue, Vol.20 Issues 2/3, 2010. Link
  12. AlAfghani, MM. Religious Freedom in Indonesia before and after Constitutional Amendments (April 10, 2010). Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reforms, Brainbow Press, 2009. Available at SSRN: Link
  13. AlAfghani, MM. Safeguarding Water Contracts in Indonesia 3/2 Law, Environment and Development Journal (2007), p. 148, available at Link
  14. AlAfghani, MM. Constitutional Court’s Review and the Future of Water Law in Indonesia, 2/1 Law, Environment and Development Journal, 2006. The paper is available at Link
  15. AlAfghani, MM. Kampanye Melawan Terorisme telah Merusak Tatanan Hukum. (Campaign Against Terrorism have Disrupted the Legal Order) Published in Jurnal Teropong MAPPI (Masyarakat Pemantau Peradilan Indonesia, November, 2002). Available on Link


Selected Op-eds

  1. We are confronting an acute conflict-of-interest crisis, The Jakarta Post, October 24, 2023
  2. New EU Sustainability Rules will impact ASEAN Industries, The Jakarta Post, Friday, September 8, 2023 (with Suryani Motik)
  3. Why wealthy countries and companies need to do more to clean up global toxic chemical pollution (with Dyah Paramita), The Conversation, April 21, 2-22
  4. Can the courts concern over water privatization be justified (Part 2 of 2) The Jakarta Post, Tue, March 10, 2015
  5. Court decision brings water governance reforms to a halt ( Part 1 of 2 ), The Jakarta Post, Mon, March 09, 2015
  6. Towards community water supply, The Jakarta Post, Fri, 03/22/2013 11:22 AM
  7. The elements of ‘state control’, The Jakarta Post, Mon, 01/14/2013
  8. The new governor and Jakarta’s drinking water problem, October, 20, 2012
  9. Incoherence in the debate over ‘privatization’, The Jakarta Post, July,22, 2012; Republished by the New Straits Times and The Malaysian Insider
  10. Authority in water resources conservation, The Jakarta Post, June 30, 2012
  11. When It Comes to Water Services, Jakarta Is Living in the Distant Past, The Jakarta Globe, October 16, 2011
  12. RI water services suffering from a lack of governance, The Jakarta Post, March 30, 2010
  13. Indonesia needs a strong water services law, The Jakarta Post, August 31, 2009
  14. Can public service law be applied to private sector, The Jakarta Post, July 14, 2009
  15. The need for clarification on HP-3 rights, The Jakarta Post, May 14th, 2009
  16. Water services transparency, The Jakarta Post, March 20, 2009
  17. Coastal management law review, The Jakarta Post, April 15th , 2008
  18. The ultimate risks of water privatization, The Jakarta Post, May 17th, 2007
  19. Access to water is a fundamental human right, The Jakarta Post, July 10th 2007
  20. Nanotechnology requires legal umbrella, The Jakarta Post, January 20th 2006, republished by IP Frontline Magazine,
  21. Prophet Muhammad Cartoons and Freedom of Expression, The Jakarta Post, February 18th, 2006
  22. Developing Countries Must be Ready for Nanotechnology, The Jakarta Post, February 27th, 2006
  23. Lebanon Crisis and Unrestricted Warfare, The Jakarta Post, August 04th 2006
  24. The Fourth Generation of Human Rights, The Jakarta Post, September, 04th 2006
  25. Is Technology turning privacy into an endangered species?, The Jakarta Post, October 20th, 2006
  26. Extradition Treaty Must Exclude Terrorism (with Bambang Widjojanto), The Jakarta Post, March 14th , 2005
  27. Limited Implementation of Sharia in Aceh, The Jakarta Post, July 11th 2005
  28. Indonesian Copyright Law not copyleft-friendly, The Jakarta Post, May 27th 2005
  29. Indonesia Needs to Support Access to Knowledge Treaty, The Jakarta Post, June 18th 2005, Republished by IP Frontline Magazine,
  30. Hyperegulated Society and Its Discontents, The Jakarta Post, June 28th 2005
  31. IP Strategy for Developing Nations, The Jakarta Post, December 24th , 2005
  32. Labor Strike Procedure in Indonesia, Legal Brief,
  33. Can a State Imply Censorship towards the Internet?, Center for Law Information (CeLI),
  34. Spread of 'Preemptive-ism' and Indonesia Sovereignty , The Jakarta Post October 7th, 2004,

Selected Workshops and Conferences

  1. World Water Forum, SE24: Access to Clean Water and the Business and Human Rights Agenda in Asia, May 23rd, Bali, Indonesia, 2024
  2. United Nations Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Rights in Asia Conference, UN Conference Centre Bangkok, Thailand, 4-5 October, 2023. Presenting a talk on Clean Seas & Rivers in Asia: Promising Approaches to Tackling Water Pollution. Youtube video of the session available here.
  3. 5th Indonesian Constitutional Court International Symposium “Constitutional Court and Conflict Resolution” Bali, 5-7 October 2022. Presented a paper titled “Strengths and Limitations of The Constitutional Court’s “6 Basic Principles” as a Normative Guidance in Resolving Water Conflicts”. Download presentation here.
  4. 2nd ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment, Phnom Penh, 14-15 September, 2022. Presented a paper titled “The Relative Strength of Water Tenure Security for Oil Palm and Hydropower: A Preliminary Study” (co-authored with Budi Susetyo).
  5. Law and Society Association 2021 Annual Meeting, “Crisis, Healing, Re-Imagining”. Presented a paper titled “Improving Indonesia's Job's Creation Law's risk based framework through systematic data collection and algorithm: A Proposal for (Surface) Water Quality Regulation” (co-authored with Nishrin Qowamuna).
  6. Regional Research Initiative on Human Rights, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-30 March 2018 and Jakarta, Indonesia, 10-12 September 2018, organized by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute. Presented a paper titled: “Human Rights Implications of Community-Based Water and Sanitation in Indonesia”.
  7. Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, South Korea. Delivered a presentation titled “Delivering More Meaningful Water Commitment” in the session titled “Stepping Stones to Achieving Innovative Public Service Delivery Commitments in Asia: Health, Education, and Water”, Seoul, November 6, 2018.
  8. 38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants & 10 International PCB Workshop, 26-31 August, 2018, Krakow, Poland. Delivered presentation: “Regulatory Challenges in the Phasing Out of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Indonesia”.
  9. Open Government Global Summit, Tbilisi, Georgia, July 17-19, 2018. Spoke at the session “Communities, Inequality, and Water: Who Receives Water, When, and at What Price – Can Open Government Make a Difference?”.
  10. Open Government Global Summit, Mexico, October 26-29, Mexico City, Mexico. Delivered Indonesia’s Open Government Partnership IRM Report 2015.
  11. The State Retreats and Never Returns: Consequences of Neoliberal Reforms on Administrative Law Protection in Indonesia; Putting Public in Public Services: Research, Action and Equity in the Global South International Conference – Cape Town, South Africa April 13-16, 2014. Available at SSRN.
  12. Expert Meeting on Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Information and The Right to Water, Article 19, London, February 19-22, 2014. Advised Article 19 on drafting “The Free Flow Principles: Freedom of Expression and Rights to Water and Sanitation”.
  13. Member and Team Leader of the Indonesian Team to the 2nd Temasek Foundation Water Leadership Program (TFWLP Fellowship), held by the Institute of Water Policy at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore, April 23 – May 4th, 2012.
  14. Anti-privatization debate, opaque rules and neglected ‘privatised’ water services provision: some lessons from Indonesia, STEPS II Conference Liquid Dynamics Background Paper, IDS, Sussex, March 22-23 2011, Sussex, UK. Available at SSRN.
  15. World Water Week Seminar: ‘Human Rights Based Approach to Improving Water Quality; organized by BothEnds, UNESCO Etxea, UNDP, Swedish Water House, delivered a presentation with the topic “The Potential Role of the Human Right to Water in the Management of Indonesia’s Water Resources” Link to presentation, Stockholm, September 09, 2010, paper available here.
  16. Expert Consultation on the Human Right Aspect of Private Sector Participation on Water and Sanitation under the invitation of the UN Independent Expert on the Right to Water and Sanitation and Friedriech Ebert Stiftung; Geneva, 25-27 January 2010. Advises UN Independent Expert Catarina Albuquerque on the implication of private sector participation on Human Rights.
  17. Anticipating Water Market, SURED-GAWN workshop on sustainable land and water management, Jakarta, April 2008.
  18. Safeguarding Water Contracts in Indonesia, Workshop on the “Legal Aspects of Water Sector Reform”, organised by the International Environmental Law Research Center (IELRC), Geneva, 20-21st of April 2007. Proceedings available here.

Other Engagements

  1. 2024 - Member of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Expert Committee on Environmental Health
  2. 2024 - Involved in establishing Water Law Working Group under the Global Forum on Law Justice and Development
  3. 2024 - Featured in "Asia in Focus" -- Clean Water and the Business and Human Rights Agenda (World Water Forum Special Edition)
  4. 2023 - now member of the FAO Water Tenure Expert Group
  5. 2023- now member of the International Water Law Academy (IWLA), University of Wuhan, China
  6. 2022 - Involved as expert and speakers at Make Rights Real Initiative. Link
  7. 2022 - Featured as one of the speakers in Asia in Focus, UNDP Business and Human Rights Agenda. Link
  8. Participated in an expert consultation with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Water regarding rural water supply, 21-25 April, 2022.
  9. 2015-Present - Member of Jejaring AMPL (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Network), Indonesia, currently serving as Coordinator for Research Cluster.
  10. 2020-2021 - Member of the Advisory Committee for Water and Open Government, SIWI, WRI and Open Government Partnership (Link 1), (Link 2).
  11. 2020 - Provided input and critique to the House of Representative regarding Risk Based Regulation applied in the Draft Jobs Creation Law, June 9, 2020. Link
  12. 2019 - Contributed to the drafting of Indonesia's Water Resources Law 17/2009 (Link 1), (link 2), (Link 3), (Link 4).
  13. 2018-2019 - Member of Jakarta's Water Governance Team, advises Jakarta Governor on Water Services and Resources Managament
  14. 2013-2019 - Member of Waterlex.
  15. 2012 - Contributor to Marseille’s 2012 World Water Forum Target and Solution Groups 1 (Stakeholders’ engagement for effective water policy and management) and 2 (Performance measurement, regulation and capacity building in the water sector).
  16. 2012-Present - Member of the Indonesian Freedom of Information Network (FOINI).
  17. 2011 - Involved in the Preparation for GOLD II Report with the UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science/UCLG.
  18. 2011 - Member of International Water Association Task Force on Stakeholders Engagement.
  19. 2005-Present - Member of Task Force on Implications and Policies for Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN), a nanotech policy think tank based in New York.


  1. Raoul Wallenberg Institute Fellowship, Regional Research Initiative on Human Rights, 2018
  2. 2nd Temasek Foundation Water Leadership Program (TFWLP Fellowship), 2012


  1. 2006-2008, Recipient, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) “Graduates for All Discipline”, Scholarship for a Post-Graduate Study of Law in Germany.
  2. 2008-2011, PhD. Studentship at the UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science at the University of Dundee, UK.