Bappenas Climate Resilient Framework

The Bappenas Climate Resilience Framework for rural water supply systems outlines ten key features aimed at enhancing climate resilience: ability to assess climate risk, alignment with other climate and disaster initiatives, access to climate technology, involvement of climate-literate personnel, safe location from climate hazards, use of strong and secure structures, resource conservation, emergency service planning, access to responsive funding, and alternative supply of resources. This framework seeks to guide community-based organizations (CBOs) and local stakeholders in building resilience against climate-related challenges. It emphasizes the importance of risk assessment, technological adaptation, human resource development, infrastructure strengthening, and emergency preparedness. However, the framework primarily focuses on CBO-level interventions without fully addressing the broader enabling environment, cross-sectoral linkages, and multi-level governance aspects necessary for comprehensive climate resilience in rural water supply systems.

Bahasa Indonesia

No Fitur Deskripsi Operasional Antisipatif Adaptif Responsif Pulih Rendah Karbon
1 Mampu menilai risiko iklim Fitur ini menunjukkan kapasitas sistem WASH untuk mengantisipasi risiko bahaya iklim dan dampaknya pada komponen-komponen sistem WASH. Pengelola sistem WASH mampu mengakses informasi cuaca dan iklim dari institusi berwenang. Pengelola sistem WASH mampu menggunakan metoda kajian risiko iklim yang tepat untuk mengidentifikasi komponen sistem yang paling berisiko terpapar dampak iklim ekstrim. *
2 Selaras dengan inisiatif iklim lainnya Fitur ini menunjukkan kapasitas sistem WASH untuk mengkordinasikan dan mengkolaborasikan upaya penguatan ketahanan iklimnya dengan inisiatif iklim lain, baik inisiatif kewilayahan maupun inisiatif sektoral. Penguatan sistem WASH, melalui fitur ini, akan berkontribusi terhadap penguatan ketahanan iklim dari wilayahnya dan dari sektor lain. Selain dengan inistiaf iklim, penguatan sistem WASH juga selaras dengan inisiatif pengurangan risiko bencana di tingkatan regional. * * * * *
3 Memiliki akses ke keahlian, produk, dan jasa iklim Fitur ini menunjukkan kapasitas pengelola dan pemanfaat sistem WASH untuk memiliki informasi dari pihak-pihak yang dapat memberikan advis keahlian serta menyediakan produk dan jasa yang mungkin dibutuhkan untuk penguatan ketahanan iklim sistem WASH. Saat dibutuhkan, pengelola sistem WASH juga sudah mengetahui prasyarat dan prosedur untuk mengakses pihak-pihak penyedia keahlian, produk dan jasa tersebut. * *
4 Memiliki akses ke pendanaan responsif Fitur ini menunjukkan karakteristik pengelola dan pemanfaat sistem WASH yang memiliki cadangan dana atau sumber pendanaan eksternal yang dapat dimanfaatkan setiap saat untuk membiayai penguatan komponen-komponen sistem WASH. Akses pendanaan juga dimilik sistem WASH untuk membiayai aksi-aksi tanggap bencana guna membuat layanan WASH tetap tersedia di fase tanggap darurat dan fase pasca bencana. * * *
5 Melibatkan personil yang melek iklim Fitur ini menunjukkan karakteristik sistem WASH yang memiliki personil yang memahami risiko iklim dan kerentanan dari sistem yang dikelolanya, selain memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk melakukan aksi-aksi untuk memperkuat komponen-komponen sistem WASH agar lebih berketahanan iklim. Sistem WASH juga memiliki penerima atau pengguna layanan yang memahami risiko iklim dan kerentanan dari layanan yang digunakannya. * * * * *
6 Terletak di area aman dari bahaya iklim Fitur ini menunjukkan karakteristik aset dan infrastruktur sistem WASH yang berfungsi dari lokasi dan posisi yang aman, tidak terpengaruh oleh dampak kejadian iklim. Sistem WASH mampu mengurangi risiko paparan dampak kejadian iklim terhadap komponen fisiknya, baik melalui penempatan yang tepat maupun melalui penerapan prosedur yang aman. * *
7 Menggunakan struktur yang kuat dan protektif Fitur ini menunjukkan karakteristik aset dan infrastruktur sistem WASH yang didisain agar mampu meminimalkan paparan dampak kejadian iklim, selain menggunakan material konstruksi yang membuatnya kuat dan tahan terhadap dampak kejadian iklim. Aset dan infrastruktur sistem WASH juga dilengkapi dengan bangunan pelindung yang mampu mengalihkan maupun menahan dampak kejadian iklim. *
8 Memiliki cadangan sumber daya Fitur ini menunjukkan karakteristik sistem WASH yang memilki cadangan bahan bakar, sumber energi, air, peralatan, dan personel yang dapat dikerahkan setiap saat dibutuhkan. Sistem WASH juga memiliki sumber energi dan sumber air yang beragam guna menghadapi variasi dampak kejadian iklim, seperti banjir dan kekeringan. *
9 Konservasi sumber daya Fitur ini menunjukkan kapasitas sistem WASH untuk menggunakan teknologi yang mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit bahan bakar, listrik energi, dan bahan kimia, serta mampu memanfaatkan energi terbarukan. Sistem WASH juga perlu memiliki kapasitas untuk menghasilkan energi, padatan atau air bersih yang dapat digunakan kembali (reusable). *
10 Memiliki rencana layanan darurat Fitur ini menunjukkan karakteristik sistem WASH untuk memberikan layanan darurat di saat operasi normalnya terganggu. Di saat operasinya terhenti sama sekali, sistem WASH memiliki kemampuan mengakses layanan WASH yang disediakan pihak lain sehingga masyarakat tetap akan menerima layanan WASH. * *

English Translation

No Feature Operational Description Anticipatory Adaptive Responsive Recover Low Carbon
1 Able to assess climate risk This feature indicates the capacity of the WASH system to anticipate climate hazard risks and their impacts on WASH system components. WASH system managers can access weather and climate information from authorized institutions. WASH system managers can use appropriate climate risk assessment methods to identify system components most at risk of extreme climate impacts. *
2 Aligned with other climate initiatives This feature indicates the capacity of the WASH system to coordinate and collaborate its climate resilience efforts with other climate initiatives, both regional and sectoral initiatives. Strengthening the WASH system through this feature will contribute to enhancing climate resilience of its region and other sectors. In addition to climate initiatives, strengthening the WASH system is also aligned with disaster risk reduction initiatives at the regional level. * * * * *
3 Access to expertise, products, and climate services This feature indicates the capacity of WASH system managers and users to have information from parties who can provide expert advice and supply products and services needed for strengthening the climate resilience of the WASH system. When needed, WASH system managers are also aware of the prerequisites and procedures to access these expertise, products, and services providers. * *
4 Access to responsive funding This feature indicates the characteristics of WASH system managers and users who have reserve funds or external funding sources that can be utilized at any time to finance the strengthening of WASH system components. The WASH system also has access to funding to finance emergency response actions to ensure WASH services remain available during emergency response and post-disaster phases. * * *
5 Involves climate-aware personnel This feature indicates the characteristics of a WASH system that has personnel who understand the climate risks and vulnerabilities of the system they manage, in addition to having the knowledge and skills to take actions to strengthen WASH system components to be more climate resilient. The WASH system also has recipients or users of services who understand the climate risks and vulnerabilities of the services they use. * * * * *
6 Located in areas safe from climate hazards This feature indicates the characteristics of WASH system assets and infrastructure that function from locations and positions that are safe, unaffected by climate event impacts. The WASH system can reduce the risk of exposure to climate event impacts on its physical components, either through proper placement or through the implementation of safe procedures. * *
7 Uses strong and protective structures This feature indicates the characteristics of WASH system assets and infrastructure designed to minimize exposure to climate event impacts, in addition to using construction materials that make them strong and resistant to climate event impacts. WASH system assets and infrastructure are also equipped with protective buildings capable of diverting or withstanding climate event impacts. *
8 Has resource reserves This feature indicates the characteristics of a WASH system that has reserves of fuel, energy sources, water, equipment, and personnel that can be deployed at any time as needed. The WASH system also has diverse energy and water sources to cope with variations in climate event impacts, such as floods and droughts. *
9 Resource conservation This feature indicates the capacity of the WASH system to use technologies that consume less fuel, electricity, and chemicals, as well as being able to utilize renewable energy. The WASH system also needs to have the capacity to produce reusable energy, solids, or clean water. *
10 Has an emergency service plan This feature indicates the characteristics of the WASH system to provide emergency services when its normal operations are disrupted. When its operations cease entirely, the WASH system has the ability to access WASH services provided by other parties so that the community will continue to receive WASH services. * *